allwhite Hu


Motion Graphic
Commercial Projects

  1. Out of Border
  2. Musicine
  3. Velvting
  4. Garden of Dreams
  5. Christmas Installation
  6. Album Covers
  7. Posters
  8. Commercial AD
  9. Sketchbook


©2023 allwhite Hu
I am a soft curtain. Blow me, form me.

Velvting 勾芡/ riso zine/ 15*15cm

Cover/ 15*15cm/ Riso print

Velveting is a zine about whether or not to choose to come out in the Chinese cultural context, where gay marriage is not yet legal. At a time when the world is encouraging everyone to speak their pronounce out loud, coming out can cause unexpected problems in Chinese families. Muddling through has become the best way for gay couples to cope with the urge to marry. And this attitude happens to be similar to the thickening in Chinese cooking.

Everyone is being encouraged to be themselves in today's inclusive and diverse social environment. Drawn away from the vast revolutionary narrative, our personal loneliness is left behind. Or rather, this solitude is never reconciled, and we even breathe through it.

Back/ 15*15cm/ Riso print
Posters/ A3/ Riso print 

Exhibition/ RCA campus